Barbara Carubio

Barbara is the CEO and founder of Your Virtual Sidekick and has been in the industry for more than 7 years. She highly believes in hiring people who have good work ethic than people who is experienced but has poor integrity. Barbara collects books. She is an avid coffee lover and café hopper.

Why do you need to keep our clients happy? How can you do it? Can you manage it by yourself?

Why do you need to keep our clients happy? How can you do it? Can you manage it by yourself? By Barbara Carubio Here are some advices to keep your clients happy: 1. Be productive Before you want to increase your productivity, ask some questions or clarifications first to your clients. Make a checklist of […]

Why do you need to keep our clients happy? How can you do it? Can you manage it by yourself? Read More »

Disadvantages and Advantages of working from home

Disadvantages and Advantages of working from home By Barbara Carubio Here’s are some advantages and disadvantages of working from home: Advantages Higher salary offers/rates Almost all freelancers are based outside our country like the US, Australia, India, etc. So, technically speaking, freelancers can have higher incomes. The starting rate of being a freelancer is 3$

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Friday Five: Top 5 Reasons For Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Friday Five: Top 5 Reasons For Hiring a Virtual Assistant By Barbara Carubio How much more productive can you be with a virtual assistant? What are the benefits of having one? Firstly, virtual assistants can be considered as generalists. General admin including email and project management, travel arrangements, etc., or they can be specialists; such

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What’s the Dish?

What’s the Dish? By Barbara Carubio Let’s all pause for a moment of silence, for the most underrated portion of an open house or of a house presentation in general: The Dining Table aka The Dishware How many times have we taken the dining table for granted? We just wanted to make sure about the

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