FREE Online TrainingCourses for Freelancers

By Barbara Carubio

When you are in the world of freelancing,  there will be times that you need to learn something new not just for your clients but for yourself too. It’s all about enhancing or being an expert on your skills. But where you will find training courses for freelancers just like you. Check this out below!

  1. Skillshare
    Skillshare offers thousands of classes, workshops, classes, and courses. You can choose any categories like Animation, Design, Illustration, Lifestyle, Photo, and Film, Business and Writing. Be an expert on current skills or discover new skills at Skillshare!
  1. Udemy
    The next top is Udemy. There are plenty of courses in Udemy where you can try free courses or enroll in paid courses. In free courses, of course, there’s a lot of restrictions there compared to paid courses. The good thing about Udemy is you can start learning anytime and anywhere.  
  1. is a leading online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Also, Lynda is now LinkedIn Learning.
  1. FreeTrain
    FreeTrain empowers freelancers like you to increase productivity, learn best practices, and grow your business. FreeTrain will help you to become a better freelancer. Also, FreeTrain offers freelance resources like contract template, marketing proposal template, project budget, and invoice template.
  1. Youtube
    We all know that Youtube also has amazing and a bunch of content. That can be useful for your career growth, skills, passion, training, courses, strategies, and getting ideas. Youtube is absolutely free


    “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” – B.B. King
    Sometimes we doubt ourselves that we will not become a better freelancer.  There’s a lot of what if’s and why’s in our mind but if you start learning right now sooner or later your questions will find an answer.
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